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Renovating Windfarm Operations

A Success Story of Streamlining Contractor Mobility, Management, and Contract Standardization

Our client is a global leader in sustainable energy solutions, with over 29,000 employees help to create a better world by designing, manufacturing, installing, developing, and servicing wind energy and hybrid projects all over the world. 

With numerous +169 GW of wind turbines installed in 88 countries, their sustainable energy solutions have already prevented 1.5 billion tonnes³ of CO₂ being emitted into the atmosphere and contributed to a more sustainable energy system. 

They have more than 40 years of experience in wind energy and were the first company to reach the 100 GW landmarks for both the installation and service of wind turbines. 

Terms explained: 

  • “+169 GW” refers to an increase or capacity of 169 gigawatts, a unit of power measurement equivalent to one billion watts, often used to describe large-scale energy production facilities’ output or potential output.
  • “100 GW” refers to 100 gigawatts, a power unit equal to one billion watts, commonly used to measure the capacity or output of large energy sources like power plants.

However, our client grappled with challenges threatening their operational efficiency and growth prospects. They approached us with the following issues:

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The Challenges

Mobility, Engagement, and Management of Non-Employee Workers

The company was struggling to manage its pool of non-employee workers effectively. This included difficulties in tracking work progress, ensuring proper engagement, and providing necessary resources for these workers to perform their tasks efficiently. Their existing system did not offer sufficient mobility for these workers, further hindering their productivity.

Standardization of Contractor Contracts

The company worked with contractors who were under a range of different contract types. This lack of standardization led to inconsistent terms and conditions, payment structures, and other contractual obligations. This not only confused but also posed significant administrative challenges for the company.

Compliance with New Market Requirements

As they expanded their services to new markets, the company was required to comply with diverse regulations and standards. This proved challenging, especially when they had to send teams to service these new markets. The company found navigating these new market requirements difficult and ensuring their operations remained compliant.

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The Solution

To address the challenges faced by our client, ERA Staffing Solutions proposed a comprehensive and strategic approach. Below are the key solutions we provided:

Comprehensive Insurance Coverage for Contractors
We ensured all contractors were covered with professional indemnity, public liability, and workers’ compensation insurance as required by local governments. This not only safeguarded the interests of the contractors but also protected the company from potential legal and financial risks.

Regular Contractor Reassessments
Understanding the dynamic nature of legislation, we undertook frequent reassessments of contractor agreements. This proactive approach allowed us to promptly adjust contract terms in response to legislation changes, ensuring continuous compliance.

Payroll Tax Remittance Evaluation
We determined whether payroll tax remittance was required for each contractor, helping the company avoid non-compliance penalties and ensuring accurate financial reporting.

Timely Contract Extensions or Cancellations
By managing contract timelines efficiently, we assured on-time contract extensions or cancellations, eliminating potential service disruptions.

Streamlining Contractor Management
We helped the company realize cost savings and process improvements by streamlining their contractor management processes. By optimizing workflows and reducing redundancies, we enhanced overall operational efficiency.

Contractor Benefits

In addition to these solutions, we offered the contractors unique benefits. Each contractor was given access to a one-on-one meeting with a professional tax advisor or accountant.

These meetings allowed contractors to discuss tax difficulties, superannuation, investments, and wealth creation. This added value to the contractors’ experience and fostered a sense of support and trust between them and the company.

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The Results

The collaboration between the ERA team and our client’s Project Manager yielded significant results. Our comprehensive approach addressed all aspects of project management, from resource requirements and communications to staff training and change management.

Milestone Identification

Together, we identified critical milestones and timelines for various projects. This ensured a clear roadmap was in place, which significantly improved project execution and helped avoid any potential delays or bottlenecks.

Continuous Model Evolution

Our commitment to continuous improvement led us to launch several new projects as part of the model evolution. The focus was on providing clients with more insights to help them make informed decisions about their contingent workforce. This strategic approach has been instrumental in driving growth and success for our client.

Improved Reporting

We introduced enhanced reporting methods that provided a clear overview of spending, trends, KPIs, and budget analysis. This data-driven approach enabled our client to make smart financial decisions and optimize their budget allocation.

Cost-effective Contractor Engagement

We evaluated whether long-term contractors could be more cost-effectively engaged by offering them permanent employment or extending their contracts sooner with greater remuneration. This resulted in significant cost savings for our client and increased job satisfaction among contractors.

Smooth Contractor Management

Our efficient contractor engagement and management processes resulted in higher performance and output from contract workers. This also led to a motivated workforce, significantly contributing to the overall productivity and success of the company.


Our collaboration with the client resulted in streamlined operations, improved decision-making, and a highly motivated and productive workforce. We are proud to have played a part in our client’s journey towards becoming a global leader in sustainable energy solutions.